Sunday, September 05, 2010

Saturday in Parana

Our group had various plans. Justin had made plans to visit with Dimas Zaia and his family Londrina. Luis henrique took Justin and me with him andAnaCarolina to her Suzuki pianolesson at the school in Londrina. Spoke there with the sisters,one of whom, Paula, is a sister inouse nearly the convent there.

We then went to Dimas's house, actually the 18th and 19th floors of the apartment building, Dimas and his family lived on the east side of New York for two years in the early 1990s where their daughters were 3-5 and 4-6. The daughters have both participated in the Rotary Youth Eschange (Laura to Belgium and Sophia to Winnipeg) and speak perfect English. Spend hours there over pasta and fish, several fresh fruits for dessert, and some libation

The evening ended with a dinner at the house of Luis Octovio and Nalini, a churrasquerria starting off with Luis Octovio's special caipirinha (four spoons of sugare,the juice andpulp of four slices of a rip line, and add caschasa to taste. By the time you learn that it's not really Brazilian lemonade, it;s too late. Please of stead ad sausage before the rest of the meal. Wine flowed, ask Floyd about the broken glasses.


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